Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm so tired of witnessing, reading, and listening to all this malevlence and being around so many callous people. When will the world finally wake up and see the all the useless calamity that has and is being created, and put a stop to it?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pain is a storm

Pain is a storm
A storm that can be thought from
something that cant be fought
a times it comes random or even planned
but we need to understand that it is something
we can withstand
pain such a small word four letters
that make things fall for disaster
hitting harder then a raging storm
stinging like a massive swarm
a cold striking hurt you feel will never be burnt
leaving you left in the dirt
unable to breath
not knowing who to be
but soon fortuitous skies will make things optimize
letting the pounding rain drops
stop and the thunder halt
gradually making its way out of your brain
and showing you pain will not always remain
and things can be okay
though pain will never lose its name
sometimes you can pass its way
by thinking of the scares
that never washed away

bitter sweet

What does it mean, to truly love someone, to truly give them everything and receive it and hold on to it forever. To finally find that one person who makes you feel complete and happy no matter what. To cherish time spent with them and understand life without them will never be the same. why do we get these feelings, these restless feelings of love. this feeling you never want to leave your side. this feeling that if you think of its presences leaving, you cant even think to breath. when spending every second with them would make you the happiest person in the world. that you know in your heart, you will never love another as much as them. when the thought of them with another person can make you cry. why do we give each other these feelings of love, this feeling that can break you down and build you back up at the same time. a feeling that can drive you crazy, and make you feel completely satisfied at the same time. that can make you act in ways you have never acted in before. so in my eyes, i guess this new feeling of being truly in love is a bitter sweet feeling; i don't think i could live without